Climate Hazards Center Featured in The Current and Edhat's "Climate Early Warning"

The Climate Hazards Center is featured on UCSB’s official news site, The Current, in a January 2019 article entitled “Climate Early Warning.” The Current primarily features campus news and research, focusing on capturing key endeavors and events as they unfold. With our recent expansion as a University of California-recognized Center, the timeliness of this feature is both relevant and welcome, as it reflects an updated Center with refined goals in relation to early warning and food insecurity. “Climate Early Warning” also highlights the importance of the CHC’s field scientists as implementers of immediate change—our field scientists serve, in part, as the arm of the CHC, turning research into tangible action and decision-making.   
The Climate Hazards Center’s founders, Chris Funk and Greg Husak (under the guidance of original faculty advisor Joel Michaelsen), have, through years of focused study, restructured the CHC’s goals to build an approach that examines climate hazards resulting from normal variability in the climate system and climate trends, while also meticulously monitoring climate activity and producing corresponding data analyses. A constant evolution of methodologies through which to tackle the ever-advancing threat of climate change is critical in providing and applying innovative climate science techniques. While future years are likely to present greater threats to the planet and its inhabitants, and particularly to highly vulnerable, food-insecure countries, the Climate Hazards Center aims to continuously adapt to face the growing threats of climate change and climate hazards to save lives and secure livelihoods.
Read the full article here. 
This article was also featured by Edhat


Originally published 01-19-2019