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Greg Husak has worked with the Climate Hazards Center since its inception in 2003, first as a graduate student and now as a Researcher and Principal Investigator. Greg received his M.A. from UCSB studying global land cover maps under Dr. Jack Estes. This Master's research led him to FEWS NET and satellite estimates of rainfall. Greg’s Ph.D. work focused on developing statistical tools for leveraging existing products to provide improved rainfall monitoring and forecasting.
Notably, Greg implemented the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) using satellite rainfall estimates (RFE) combined with disparate historical records, as well as the Forecast Interpretation Tool (FIT) to combine probabilistic forecasts with historical records. His current work focuses on cropped area estimation, developing rainfall monitoring tools to better capture crop conditions, and the synthesis of a variety of indicators to estimate crop production conditions for a finite area. Greg enjoys a variety of sports, but, interestingly, was inducted into the Ultimate Frisbee Hall of Fame in 2018 after over twenty years of participating in U.S. National Championship Tournaments.