The GeoCLIM program is part of a set of agroclimatic analysis products developed by FEWS NET. GeoCLIM is designed for climatological analysis of rainfall, temperature, and evapotranspiration data and provides an array of accessible analysis tools for climate-smart agricultural development. These user-friendly tools can be used to:
Blend station information with satellite data to create improved data sets
Analyze seasonal trends and/or historical climate data
Analyze drought for a selected region by calculating the standardized precipitation index (SPI)
Create visual representations of climate data and create scripts (batch files) to quickly and efficiently analyze large quantities of climate data
View and/or edit shapefiles and raster files, and extract statistics from raster data sets to create time series
For a step-by-step guide to using the GeoCLIM, please visit our Wiki page:
Link to GeoCLIM software: https://
Link to GeoCLIM Installation Guide (English only):
Link to English Manual: FEWS Tools Knowledge Base Home
Link to Spanish Manual: FEWS Tools Manual de Usuario
You can download the GeoCLIM here—check the wiki to make sure you have the latest version!