Associate Researcher
Shraddhanand Shukla is an Associate Researcher at the Department of Geography at UCSB. He is a large-scale hydrologist with expertise in drought monitoring and seasonal scale climate and drought forecasting. He received his Ph.D in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Washington, Seattle and, before starting with CHC as a Researcher, he was UCAR's Postdocs Applying Climate Expertise (PACE) Fellow. His research focuses on improving drought monitoring and early warning capabilities using advanced earth observations, models, and remote sensing data sets through capacity building. Shrad is currently an editor for EGU's Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS), an Associate Editor of AMS's Journal of Hydrometeorology, and an Associate Editor for the Frontier's Climate Services. He is also currently a member of the NASA and USAID's SERVIR's Applied Sciences Team (AST) and AST lead for "Weather and Climate" thematic area.
View Dr. Shukla's Google Scholar page here.